Corporate Governance > Ethics Code




Integrity and honesty are Kordsa Global’s core values in all its business processes and interactions. Each Kordsa Global employee must act with integrity and honesty in all relations with the employees, stakeholders, suppliers and customers.



Private and confidential information includes information that might lead to a competitive disadvantage of Kordsa Global, trade secrets, financial and other information that has not been publicly disclosed, employee personal information, and information within the framework of “confidentiality agreements” enacted with third parties.

Employees of Kordsa Global shall give utmost importance to protecting the privacy of Kordsa Global’s customers, employees and other associated individuals and companies and the confidentiality of their information. Kordsa Global employees protect confidential information regarding the activities of the Group Companies, use this information only for the purposes of Kordsa Global, and share this information only with relevant authorised parties.

Kordsa Global strictly forbids insider trading, or gaining any financial or commercial interest, including trading stocks through disclosing confidential information belonging to Kordsa Global and Kordsa Global Group Companies. When terminating employment with the Company, Kordsa Global employees shall not retain copies of confidential documents, projects, regulations, etc. that were confined to them due to their positions. 


Conflict of Interest

Kordsa Global employees take responsibility to avoid situations and relationships that involve an actual or potential conflict of interest. Kordsa Global employees shall not use their present position to obtain any benefits personally or through their families and relatives, from people and companies with whom Kordsa Global has business relations. Kordsa Global employees shall refrain from using the name and/or power of Kordsa Global and Kordsa Global/Sabancı identity to gain personal benefit.

In cases of potential conflicts of interest, and when a Kordsa Global employee believes that interests of the relevant parties may be safely protected by legal and ethical methods, he/she adopts these methods. When in doubt, Kordsa Global employee may consult his/her manager, the Human Resources Department, the local Ethics Compliance Officer, the Global Ethics Compliance Officer or the Ethics Board. 


Kordsa Global Responsibilities

In addition to legal responsibilities, Kordsa Global gives utmost importance to fulfill the following responsibilities in relation to the customers, employees, stakeholders, suppliers and business partners, competitors, the community, individuals, and to Kordsa Global and Sabancı names.